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Demystifying Autism
- 2 hour information session

As a community we are starting to understanding a lot more about Autism but there is still a huge amount that we are learning about. The research is continuing to emerge and the recommendations around assessment, diagnosis and providing support is continually being updated.

Join us for a comprehensive information session about autism, incorporating all updated information and research. This session also includes specifics on how to access support in the Midwest/Geraldton region

Demystifying Autism is suitable for anyone who might be considering an autism assessment or families who have recently started their autism journey.

Our information session covers the following content

  • Autism - Research, history and how to know what you are looking for

  • How autism presents in children and teens/gender differences

  • How to pursue an assessment/diagnosis and intervention options

  • A variety of strategies to help support the autistic child or young people in your life


Click the link below to find out when our next session is scheduled!


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